Dark Genesis [SOI] EN + Many GEOs

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EPC 1$
CR 1.5%
Approval rate 4.6%
Approval rate 4.6%
Avg. hold time 19 days
Avg. hold time 19 days
Cookie lifetime 30 days
Average payment time 19 days

Program information

This Mitgame affiliate program is powered by the Admitad infrastructure.

Warning: Any use of a brand name in an advertising campaign is restricted and count as brand bidding.

Apply to new affiliate program Dark Genesis [SOI] EN + Many GEOs!

Build a mighty citadel on a floating island, summon demigod allies, and save the world from destruction!
Dark Genesis - is a dynamic MMORPG inspired by different myths around the world. You are the only one capable of ending a bloody war, returning the deities of old to their former glory, and uncovering the secrets of the Dark Genesis!

TA: 24+, male, interested in MMORPG, anime, IDLE games
GEO: USA, UK, CA, AU, NZ, Nordics, IE, DACH, FR, PL

Restrictions: No mobile, brand bidding, incent, adult, mislead, fraud, clickunder and popunder traffic.
limits for new publishers: 50 regs for a publisher before the feedback.